

Chad is husband, father, disciple, and leadership developer.  He has given his life to helping leaders navigate their unique journey with purpose, passion and clarity.  Chad enjoys watching leaders increase in the leadership potential. He has pursued leadership multiplication in every area of his ministry and life.

Currently Chad is serving in serving in a church in Western Pennsylvania.  His current role is Executive Pastor with a major focus on organization and leadership development.  He is constantly looking to develop leaders and allow them to maximize their gifts by equipping and releasing others to lead at a high capacity

Chad is married to Tammie.  She is currently employed by healthcare organization as Assistant Director of Recruiting and Retention.  He is the father to thee awesome kids.  Christopher and Michael are embarking on their post high school journey .  Caitlyn embarking on her career in the medical field.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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